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Using an approximated One-Time Pad to Secure Short Messaging Service (SMS)

Croft and Olivier


(Citation)Citation information

N. J. Croft and M. S. Olivier. “Using an approximated One-Time Pad to Secure Short Messaging Service (SMS)”. In: Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2005 (SATNAC 2005) Proceedings. Ed. by D. Browne. Vol. 1. Champagne Castle, South Africa, Sept. 2005, pp. 71–76

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(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Neil J Croft and Martin S Olivier},
title={Using an approximated One-Time Pad to Secure Short Messaging Service ({SMS})},
booktitle={Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2005 (SATNAC 2005) Proceedings},
editor={David Browne},
address={Champagne Castle, South Africa},
pages={71--76} )