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Incorporating Prejudice into Trust Models to Reduce Network Overload

Wojcik, Venter, Eloff, and Olivier


(Citation)Citation information

M. Wojcik, H. S. Venter, J. H. P. Eloff, and M. S. Olivier. “Incorporating Prejudice into Trust Models to Reduce Network Overload”. In: Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2005 (SATNAC 2005) Proceedings. Ed. by D. Browne. Vol. 1. Champagne Castle, South Africa, Sept. 2005, pp. 195–200

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(BibTeX record)BibTeX reference

author={Marike Wojcik and Hein S Venter and Jan H P Eloff and Martin S Olivier},
title={Incorporating Prejudice into Trust Models to Reduce Network Overload},
booktitle={Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2005 (SATNAC 2005) Proceedings},
editor={David Browne},
address={Champagne Castle, South Africa},
pages={195--200} )