Using Workflow to Enhance Security in Federated Databases
Citation information
M. S. Olivier. “Using Workflow to Enhance Security in Federated Databases”. In: Communications and Multimedia Security II. Ed. by P Horster. Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp. 60–71Abstract
Workflow Management (WFM) Systems automate traditional processes where information flows between individuals. WFM systems have two major implications for security. Firstly, since the description of a workflow process explicitly states when which function is to be performed by whom, security specifications may be automatically derived from such descriptions. Secondly, the derived security specifications have to be enforced. This paper considers these issues for a Cyberspace workflow system by describing a small, but comprehensive example.
The notion of an Alter-ego is central in this description: Alter-egos are objects that represent individuals in Cyberspace (and not merely identify them). In Cyberspace, documents in a workflow system therefore flow between Alter-egos, rather than between individuals.
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The definitive version of the paper is available from the publisher.DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-35083-7_6
BibTeX reference
@inproceedings(flow,author={Martin S Olivier},
title={Using Workflow to Enhance Security in Federated Databases},
editor={P Horster},
booktitle={Communications and Multimedia Security II},
publisher={Chapman ∖& Hall},
year={1996} )