A Comparison Between ConSA and Current Linux Security Implementations
Hardy and Olivier
Citation information
A. Hardy and M. S. Olivier. “A Comparison Between ConSA and Current Linux Security Implementations”. In: Database and Application Security XV. Ed. by M. S. Olivier and D. L. Spooner. Kluwer, 2002, pp. 211–224Abstract
There are many extensions to the Linux security model that are available. ConSA aims to provide a configurable architecture, and should allow many security systems to be implemented. A prototype ConSA system has been implemented in Linux. This paper will examine how ConSA relates to currently available Linux security extensions.
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Definitive version
The definitive version of the paper is available from the publisher.DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-35587-0_15
BibTeX reference
@inproceedings(consac,author={Alexandre Hardy and Martin S Olivier},
title={A Comparison Between {ConSA} and Current {L}inux Security Implementations},
editor={Martin S Olivier and David L Spooner},
booktitle={Database and Application Security XV},
publisher={Kluwer} )