Cloud Separation: Stuck inside the cloud
Delport and Olivier
Citation information
W. Delport and M. S. Olivier. “Cloud Separation: Stuck inside the cloud”. In: Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business — 9th International conference, TrustBus, 2012 Vienna, Austria, September 2012, Proceedings. Ed. by S. Fischer-Hübner, S. Katsikas, and G. Quirchmayr. LNCS 7449. Springer, 2012, pp. 36–49Abstract
When something erroneous happens happens in digital environment, a Digital Forensic Investigations (DFIs) can be used to gather information about the event. When conducting a DFI, Digital Forensic Procedures (DFPs) are followed. DFPs provide steps to follow to ensure the successful completion of the DFI. One of the steps in a DFP is to isolate possible evidence in order to protect the evidence from contamination and tampering. The introduction of Cloud computing complicated the isolation process because there is a shared layer between users. This means that the methods used to isolate evidence must be adapted and reworked to work in the Cloud environment. In some cases new procedures need to be introduced to address the isolation problem.
In this article we introduce the idea of Cloud separation to isolate a part of the Cloud. We argue that the separation process consists of methods to move instances, as well as methods to divide the Cloud. The paper also introduces methods to accomplish the movement of instances and the division of the Cloud. The paper reports on the
nding of testing the dividing methods on different Cloud operating systems in experimental conditions. The experimental outcome was that some of the methods are not applicable to Cloud separation and the methods to be used will depend on the circumstances of the DFI. Out of the experiment some lessons were learnt which should be considered when doing Cloud separation.
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The definitive version of the paper is available from the publisher.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32287-7_4
BibTeX reference
@inproceedings(cloudseparate,author={Waldo Delport and Martin S. Olivier},
title={Cloud Separation: Stuck inside the cloud},
booktitle={Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business --- 9th International conference,
TrustBus, 2012 Vienna, Austria, September 2012,
editor={Simone Fischer-H∖"ubner and Sokratis Katsikas and Gerald Quirchmayr},
Pages={36--49} ,