Analysing the fairness of trust-based Mobile Ad Hoc Network protocols
Burke and Olivier
Citation information
I. D. Burke and M. S. Olivier. “Analysing
the fairness of trust-based Mobile Ad Hoc Network protocols”. In: Proceedings of the
2011 Information Security for South Africa (ISSA 2011) Conference. Ed. by
H. S. Venter, M. Coetzee, and M. Loock. (Published electronically). Johannesburg,
South Africa, Aug. 2011
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists out of a collection of mobile nodes capable of sending and/or receiving wireless communications. MANETs are generally unstructured networks with no centralized administration. MANETs use routing algorithms to establish routes among nodes. This unstructured nature presents the opportunity for misbehaviour among nodes.
Trust based MANET routing protocols have been developed to counteract malicious behaviour, in an effort to establish fair node behaviour. Recent research has shown that the trust protocols themselves introduce unfair behaviour among nodes.
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BibTeX reference
@inproceedings(fairtrust,title={Analysing the fairness of trust-based Mobile Ad Hoc Network protocols},
author={Ivan Daniel Burke and Martin S Olivier},
editor={Hein S Venter and Marijke Coetzee and Marianne Loock},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2011 Information Security for South Africa (ISSA 2011) Conference},
address={Johannesburg, South Africa},
note={(Published electronically)} )