Detecting Uncooperative Ethernet Elements using Accurate Round-trip Time Measurements
Delport and Olivier
Citation information
J. P. Delport and
M. S. Olivier. “Detecting Uncooperative Ethernet Elements using Accurate
Round-trip Time Measurements”. In: Southern African Telecommunication Networks
and Applications Conference 2005 (SATNAC 2005) Proceedings. Ed. by D. Browne.
Vol. 1. Champagne Castle, South Africa, Sept. 2005, pp. 153–156
Knowledge of a network’s entities and the physical connections between them (a network’s physical topology) can be useful in a variety of network scenarios and applications. Specifically, topology information can be used by administrators to detect unauthorised physical modifications to a network. Gathering accurate topology information manually can be a tedious and error-prone, if not impossible task.
In this paper an active probing technique is used to obtain packet timing information from a set of experimental Ethernet LANs. Packets are sent from a probing host to a target node in a variety of network configurations and the total time from sending out the packet to receiving a reply is measured and stored. The stored timing data is then used to determine the influence of common Ethernet network elements on packet round-trip times. Real-Time Linux is used to obtain low-level and fine grained timing control over the probing host’s network card.
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BibTeX reference
@inproceedings(etherdetect,author={J P Delport and Martin S Olivier},
title={Detecting Uncooperative {E}thernet Elements using Accurate Round-trip Time Measurements},
booktitle={Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2005 (SATNAC 2005) Proceedings},
editor={David Browne},
address={Champagne Castle, South Africa},
pages={153--156} )