An implementation of the Chinese Wall security model using ConSA
Lategan and Olivier
Citation information
F. A. Lategan and M. S. Olivier. An implementation of the Chinese Wall security model using ConSA. Internal Report. Unpublished. Johannesburg, South Africa: Department of Computer Science, Rand Afrikaans University, 1998Abstract
Although security models abound, they are usually an integral part of the system or a totally separate external component. A new architecture, ConSA, allows security models to be developed separately from the system they will protect, and still be integrated seamlessly into the system. Any system using ConSA could then also replace the security model at any time, while retaining the same operating system and applications.
This paper demonstrates two very significant advantages to such an architecture. First, it is flexible enough so that even a non-conventional security model such as the Chinese Wall security model, where access control is based on previously accessed entities, can be implemented using ConSA with ease. Second, in order to present a new security model without needless clutter, the finer details of implementation on a system can be replaced by simply implementing it using ConSA.
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@techreport(chinwall,author={Frans A Lategan and Martin S Olivier},
title={An implementation of the {C}hinese {W}all security model using {C}on{SA}},
type={{I}nternal Report},
institution={Department of Computer Science, Rand Afrikaans University},
address={Johannesburg, South Africa},
note={Unpublished} )